Walker Tape

Ultra Hold Acrylic Adhesive

  • $12.95
  • - $-12.95

Ultra Hold has continued to be the leading standard for soft bonds on the market for over 15 years and is our most popular Maximum Wear adhesive. With consistent 4+ week hold times. It removes easily and has a quick cleanup for a liquid adhesive. Plus, it dries clear and stays strong, making Ultra Hold a rock-solid choice for long-term holds. 

Maximum Wear (3-5 weeks) adhesives are the longest-lasting adhesives we make. Depending on temperature, humidity, and body oils, they can last up to six weeks. Usually the most tacky, they require more skill to apply.

 Available Sizes: (this product only ships ground)

  • No Brush .5 oz
  • Brush-on .5 oz
  • Brush-on 1.4 oz
  • Brush-on 3.4 oz
  • Pint (16 oz) 

Preparation:  Bond Breaker should always be the first step in preparing for an install. Bond Breaker Shampoo breaks down the adhesives, scrubs the skin, and cleans the hair in one step.

Removal:  C-22 is the #1 adhesive remover we make. Not only is it gentle on skin, but it works FAST. It also has a fresh scent (it’s citrus based) and it’s easy to rinse with soap and water.

If you’re looking for something with less oily residue, Action is a great option. It is the fastest skin-safe solvent we produce. It will cut through adhesive quickly and will leave very little oily residue.